БрюДог Сайбернаут / BrewDog Cybernaut (0,33л.*бут.) 4,5%

Our new seasonal beer is upon us! For the first time we have brewed a pale and hoppy beer to fill this special slot — a tuned New England Session IPA! This beer has been lightly filtered in line with our core range, giving this beer less haze than most New England styles, but retaining the tropical and juicy profile we know and love to give it that twist!

If you love a tropical fruit salad, you’ll love this beer! The mango, peach and apricot flavours, layered with strong grassy and pine dust notes, give this beer a smooth, juicy and light finish. Soft in bitterness with a mango juice character create a hoppy freshness!

Штрихкод: 5056025417656 Скопировать короткую ссылку

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