Де Молен Жан энд Шарлот / Brouwerij de Molen Jan & Charlotte (0,33л.*бут.) 7.5%

Borefts 2017 special. Jan & Charlotte was also brewed to be the 50.000 entry in RateBeer of Jan (and Charlotte is his wife) And this was his review 🙂 [ As my rating # 50000 on ratebeer ]. 3.8 — Murky light to medium to dark brown colour with a average, frothy, good lacing, mostly laasting off-white head. Aroma is moderate malty, toasted, moderate to heavy hoppy, pine, grapefruit, wood, light citrus. Flavor is moderate sweet and light heavy bitter with a long duration, toasted, minerals, pine, wood, grapefruit, dry. Body is medium, texture is oily carbonation is soft. High Five & Still Great Fun

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