Шимэ Премьер Брюн / Chimay Première Brune (Red) (0,75л.*бут.) 7%


First sold in 75 cl (25.4 fl.oz.) bottles, it is noted for its copper color and as the first beer brewed by the monks of Chimay in 1862.

Topped with a creamy head, it gives off a light, fruity apricot aroma produced by the fermentation. The taste perceived in the mouth is a balance confirming the fruity nuances noticed in the fragrance.

Its taste, which imparts a silky sensation to the tongue, is made refreshing by a light touch of bitterness. To the palate, the taster perceives a pleasant astringency which complements the flavor qualities of this beer very harmoniously.

This top-fermented Trappist beer, re fermented in the bottle, is not pasteurized.

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